Multi-channel Education Marketing Strategy & Demand Generation

Get Teachers Talking.
About You.

Spyre Marketing will get the right educators interested in and buying your solutions.

We’re Creative …But We Never LOSE Sight of the Numbers

Education marketing is both an art and a science. At Spyre Marketing we’ve
mastered both. We’re crazy creative but grounded in data and always looking at
the analytics. Because at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about — creative
solutions that drive results.

We Speak theLanguage of Educators

From legislation and funding to teaching trends and top challenges, the Spyre Marketing team understands what’s going on in district offices, in principals’ budget meetings, and in the classroom. We know K-12 education and how to connect you using a multi-channel approach to the educators most likely to purchase from you.

Other firms may know marketing, but they won’t know education marketing the way Spyre does.

See What We Can Do

We GetCreative Across Channels

Educators are everywhere. On the web. At conferences. On social media. In their inboxes. At their mailboxes. You need to be where they are and offering the type of content that informs, engages and intrigues. Spyre Marketing will get you in the places where your specific educator audiences spend their time using an integrated approach across multiple channels.

Whether you need a comprehensive education marketing strategy or support with a single marketing program, Spyre Marketing will help you make an impression and accomplish your goals.



Research provides data and aha moments on which to build a successful marketing strategy. From surveys and focus groups to secondary research, Spyre can help you uncover key insights about your market and your audience.



“If you fail to plan you plan to fail” is an unofficial motto at Spyre. Strategic planning creates a roadmap for your marketing activities that ensures you reach your key audiences, achieve milestones, and make an impact.



Content is the fuel for every marketing campaign, regardless of channel. The Spyre team identifies the topics of interest to your audience and creates content aligned with your brand that will increase awareness and generate leads.



Whether it’s a webinar, whitepaper, infographic, case study, or product info, Spyre will identify the best channels to meet your goals and help you get your content out there. Email, social media, digital advertising, and even direct mail could all be part of the right mix.

Bringing It All Togetherfor Dynamite Results


Words are the foundation of every campaign we create, whether they’re written or spoken in a video. We know the words educators are looking for and how to craft messages that interest and excite educators to take action.


Our words take flight when paired with exceptional design. From attention-grabbing emails and social posts to show-stopping banners and brochures, we make sure educators recognize and respect your brand.

*Ad Campaigns

Print, online, in email newsletters, or on social media, there are a lot of advertising options these days. We know what educators are reading and what sites they’re visiting so we can get your ads in front of the right educators in the right places.


Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you name it … we create engaging posts and content that attract attention. We’ll help you identify and reach the educators most important to you on the social channels where they’re spending their time.


Printed materials still have power, particularly when you’re meeting face-to-face with educators at schools or conferences. From flyers and brochures to posters, we write and design eye-catching materials that educators hold onto.


Educators check email wherever they are on their phones, tablets, laptops, and computers. We make sure your emails show up and look great wherever they’re read. We’ll develop your email strategy and take care of the writing, design and programming, and coordinate the deployment through your preferred data vendor or ESP.


Virtual events like webinars build thought leadership and generate leads while in-person conferences and tradeshows provide valuable face time with decision-making educators. We help plan, coordinate and market your events for optimal engagement and lead gen.

Meet TheBrains & the BrawnOf Spyre Marketing

We put our heart and souls into our work. We’re committed to each other and to the success of our clients. We love what we do and we have fun doing it. Our creativity, knowledge and enthusiasm come through in our work but also in the relationships we build with clients.

We are a small but mighty team. We have the brains and bandwidth to take on robust projects but are small enough that you never feel out of touch and always feel like you’re our top priority (because you are!).


Christine De Baca

Content Developer & Account Manager

Christine’s calm demeanor will bring your blood pressure down even when it feels like the sky is falling. She takes on projects with gusto, dives deep and delivers rigorously researched, on-point content that connects with educators.


Holly Hatch

Content Strategist & Copywriter

Holly has a flair for the creative and writes content that captures the attention of educators and drives them to action. She never shies away from heavy lifting — whether that’s in the gym, on her mountain bike or going the extra mile with your projects.


Lee Ann Laban

Social Media & Project Coordinator

Lee Ann is a master at building community and engaging educators, whipping up clever and creative social media campaigns. When she's not on social media, she's providing support to Spyre clients and team members to keep projects running smoothly. Lee Ann regularly sweetens the day of her family and friends with yummy scones, biscotti, and other home baked treats.


Suzanne Morgan

Senior Account Executive

Suzanne knows who's who and what's what in the education market. She uses all that knowledge to advise clients on their strategy and analyze campaign results. You can count on her to guide you effortlessly through every project, kind of like an education market Sherpa.


Christine Papaianopol

Production Manager & Researcher

When she’s not crunching numbers from a survey of educators, Christine keeps our projects humming along thanks to her ability to problem solve like McGyver and juggle a dozen different tasks like she’s in the circus (which some days she feels like she is).


Emily Garner Sumner


Emily’s head is often in the clouds, brainstorming ways for our clients to tell their stories and attract the educators who will benefit from their products. She loves words and pictures (almost as much as doughnuts) and how they can incite action.


Livy Traczyk

Director of Content & Creative Strategy

Livy's green thumb doesn't just work on her flourishing collection of houseplants. She's got a magic touch when it comes to crafting content and marketing campaigns that plant seeds with educators, attract and nurture leads, and grow sales.

Want to Get ToKnow More About Us?

We’d love that!

We’re curious to learn what you’re up to and how we can help support your success.

Get in Touch

Curious About What We Do?TAKE A PEEK.

Since 2001, the Spyre Marketing team has provided organizations that want to reach educators with smart, creative solutions to their marketing challenges. (Yup, that’s right, since 2001, but we were part of Underscore Creative until the spin-off of Spyre Marketing in 2019.)

This is just a preview of what we can do. To see and hear more, get in touch.

One Step Getting Started Guide

One Step

Video-Based Climate Science Curriculum

Branding • Strategy • Email • Social Media • Content Development

CAE Career Skills Infographic


Performance-Based Assessment of Critical Thinking, Problem Solving & Communication

Strategy • Email • Content Development • Webinars

Ballard & Tighe Infographic Sample

Ballard & Tighe

Assessments & Curricula for English Language Learners

Email • Social Media • Content Development • Webinars

Illuminate Education Science of Reading Playbook

Illuminate Education

Solutions to Assess Learning, Equitably Align Whole Child Supports & Accelerate Growth

Strategy • Email • Advertising • Content Development • Webinars

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